Research & Development Centers Videos

We have released six videos introducing the Research & Development Centers. Please take a look.

R&D Center for Working Persons’ Psychological Support

Research activities and building social contribution infrastructure related to psychological support for working persons.
For more information on the center

R&D Center for Innovative Drug Discovery

100 years of vitality with new drugs and new technologies

R&D Center for Wellness Innovation

Aiming to Realize a Wellness Society Creating Mental and Physical Health

R&D Center for Smart Wellness City Policies

Evidence-based Policy Making for the realization of Smart Wellness & Long-lived Society
For more information on the center

R&D Center for Lifestyle Innovation

Exploring lifestyle for health and well-being for the future
For more information on the center

R&D Center for Zero CO2 Emission with Functional Materials

Toward carbon neutrality and hydrogen economy
For more information on the center

About Research & Development Centers

R&D Centers are organizations that operate solely through external funding that have been established under the Headquarters for International Industry-University Collaboration since July 1, 2015. The purpose of the Centers is to create joint industry-government-university research systems in academic fields with high levels of social demand.

Please refer to the following page for more informaion on the Research & Development Centers.

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