“University of Tsukuba Night” at Venture Café Cambridge on August 29th

“University of Tsukuba Night” held at Venture Café Cambridge on August 29th
The theme is “The Role of Academia in Innovation”

University of  Tsukuba
Headquarters for International Industry-University Collaboration

On August 29 (Thursday), the University of Tsukuba, the first sponsor of Venture Café as a Japanese University, will hold “University of Tsukuba Night”: The Role of Academia in Innovation” at the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) with the support of the Consulate General of Japan in Boston.

Venture Café Cambridge, is the birthplace of a weekly gathering for the innovation community, now known as ‘Café Nights’, hold on Thursday evening. With starting from this event in this September, the University of Tsukuba will promote the internationalization of university-initiated startups and collaborative research by sending faculty members and students with an ambitious mindset for startups to the CIC co-working space.

■Venture Café Cambridge: 1 Broadway, 14 Floor Cambridge, MA 02142
■ Contact: unicorn@ilc.tsukuba.ac.jp


■Greetings  5:25- 5:30 PM     The Consulate General of Japan in Boston

■Opening Remarks 5:30-5:45 PM

Kyosuke Nagata
President, University of Tsukuba;
President, The Japan Association of National Universities

■Panel  5:45-6:30 PM      Academia as a Catalyst for Innovation

Hiroshi Ishii

Associate Director, MIT Media Lab

Benton Caroline

Vice President, University of Tsukuba

Jacob Levin

Director of Research Development at MIT

Yoichi Ochiai

Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba

■Flash Talks  6:15-7:30 PM     University of Tsukuba 4 Startups
Room 1 : Digital Health 6:15-7:00 PM

Professor, Taka-aki Sato
CEO, iLAC Co., Ltd.
Integration of comprehensive Omics analysis into Precision Medicine in JAPAN

Professor, Kenji Suzuki

Wearable robots and AI/IoH technologies for future society

Room 2 :Computer Tech 6:45-7:30 PM

Professor, Tetsuya Sakurai

CEO, MathDesign Co., Ltd
Analysis Engine for Large-scale Simulation and Big Data

Associate Professor, Yoichi Ochiai

CEO, Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.
Virtual Reality for Enhancing Human Perceptional Diversity towards an inclusive society

■Networking 7:30-8:00 PM

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